The ring, symbol of the power of love

15 March 2018

It is the power of love,
for the power of love,
with the power of love,
it is the power of love.
This is how Eugenio Finardi sings.

A circle of words that closes and completes. A ring, more than a simulacrum of a promise, is the symbol of the power of love that exists between two people. What grows over the years and thrives. Love as a daily life. This is the feeling that symbolizes Salvadori engagement or marriage rings.

The solitary Venetian, for example, contains the essence of the first loves: simple, indestructible, and at the same time light, and beautiful with a sober, shiny beauty.

The plot, on the other hand, encompasses the baroque, convoluted yet majestic and elegant, symmetrical side of a mature love relationship: adamantine, dazzling and complex.

Light of stars, on the other hand, expresses the yearning for which loves have been sown and cultivated, and now they enjoy the fruits gathered from farsighted projects. That radiate trust and hope, friends and relatives.

Behind every Salvadori ring, there is a season and a facet of love, which are as many as the stars in the sky. Each one is different and unique, but always characterized by a mysterious and exact strength, which finds its symbol in a fascinating and timeless jewel.

If you want to know more about our rings, contact us at: [email protected] or visit the dedicated page.