How to care for your jewellery

25 1月 2017

Behind its priceless beauty and significance, jewellery hides a more important value. It reminds a person of a true love, the birth of a child, a special occasion. A jewellery piece can be handed down, and can last forever.

To preserve these memories, I have decided to give you some tips on how to preserve every small and precious piece of jewellery that you carry with you at all times.

Before storing your jewellery in a jewellery box, make sure the pieces are separated from each other or place them inside soft fabric pouches. This little trick will prevent the diamonds from scratching other precious stones of inferior hardness such as emeralds, sapphires or rubies. Jewellery pieces with diamonds must never be placed close to each other because they could rub against each other.

Women today increasingly wear bracelets and a watch on the same wrist, or wear several rings on the same finger. Be careful because this causes the metal to wear faster over time until the prongs become so thin that they bend or break, allowing the stones to fall out.

Aesthetic beauty is entirely subjective, but in my opinion when you wear a beautiful piece of jewellery, you don’t need anything else.

Salvadori jewellery does not need anything else to set it off; a ring on a hand, a pendant, a bracelet….its beauty can give a woman light and elegance.

Care must be taken with perfumes and cosmetics. Creams, sprays and lacquers can attack the metal of jewellery causing it to rust and dull the beauty and sparkle of the stones.

Avoid contact with chlorinated water, such as swimming pools and hot tubs. This especially applies to organic stones like pearls or amber.

Remember to take off your jewellery during sporting activities or whilst gardening, as sweat can ruin it.

Handle each jewellery piece with care at all times.

Clean your jewellery with a solution of mild soap and warm water. Use a soft brush to dislodge dirt or grime that has built up over time.

Do not clean your jewellery on the sink where it can easily slip down the drain!

Bring your jewellery to Salvadori every now and again to check the setting and for a professional cleaning. It will shine like the first day you wore it.

Marzia Pendini, Designer Savadori Diamond Atelier